Category Archives: Conference Paper

Leading in the digital age: A systematic review on leader traits in the context of e-leadership
Christian Tuschner, Jeanine Krath, Jan Bings, Marvin Schwenkmezger, Manuel Etzkorn, Harald F.O. von Korflesch
30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

Designing gamification for sustainable employee behavior: Insights on employee motivations, design features and gamification elements
Jeanine Krath, Benedikt Morschheuser, Harald F.O. von Korflesch
55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

Understanding toxicity in multiplayer online games: The roles of national culture and demographic variables
Bastian Kordyaka, Jeanine Krath, Solip Park, Henrik Wesseloh, Samuli Laato
55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

Gamification for Sustainable Employee Behavior
Jeanine Krath
2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI Play)

Player Types and Game Element Preferences: Investigating the Relationship with the Gamification User Types HEXAD Scale
Jeanine Krath, Harald F.O. von Korflesch
23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Best Paper Award

Designing Gamification and Persuasive Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
Jeanine Krath, Harald F.O. von Korflesch
5th International GamiFIN Conference
Best Presentation Award