Tag Archives: Gamification

Designing gamification for sustainable employee behavior: Insights on employee motivations, design features and gamification elements
Jeanine Krath, Benedikt Morschheuser, Harald F.O. von Korflesch
55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

Gamification for Sustainable Employee Behavior
Jeanine Krath
2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI Play)

Wie funktioniert Gamification?
Wie Gamification psychologische Effekte und Verhaltensänderungen erzielt, wird gerade erst erforscht. Unsere Forschung zeigt: Die Funktionsweise von Gamification basiert auf zehn theoretischen Prinzipien.

Revealing the theoretical basis of gamification: A systematic review and analysis of theory in research on gamification, serious games and game-based learning
Jeanine Krath, Linda Schürmann, Harald F.O. von Korflesch
Computers in Human Behavior